affordable boudoir, local boudoir, intimate pictures

Trina (Owner/Photographer):

Hey there!

My name is Trina, and I am excited to see you’re looking around my website to learn more about what I offer!

I have recently taken over the photography aspect of Intimate Dreams, going from Behind the Scenes, to behind the camera, and it’s been an exhilarating ride! I have been working alongside my husband since we started back in 2020, and only recently (early 2023) have I gone full time while he focuses on other endeavors. I have always wanted an opportunity to make a difference in someone else’s life, always striving for that “ELLEN” moment! And now, I get that opportunity with every woman who walks into my studio.

I love taking the opportunity to make you feel welcome, safe, comfortable, and well taken care of for the day. As women, we put so much of ourselves into other people, that we often forget to take care of ourselves, and it is crucial that we celebrate ourselves and the journey we’ve been on.

I remember thinking when I first started this journey back in 2020 about what Boudoir meant to me. It was about taking a moment to yourself after a long hard day of taking care of everyone else, when you’re about to get into the shower and climb into bed, you notice as you undress and let your hair down, a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Hair is tussled in a seductive manner, day old smudgy makeup adds a hint of sexiness, and you allow yourself a moment to appreciate the woman you are. As fleeting as those moments are, these are the moments I want to recreate for you, so you can look back on this time in your life and remember what a beautiful, badass woman you used to be, still are, and will continue to be.

My biggest mantra in doing this for women is, “There is growth in allowing yourself to be vulnerable”, and it is my number one goal throughout the entire process to create a safe space for you to let your hair down and allow yourself to be just that. A popular quote in the Boudoir world is, “Boudoir isn’t about feeling sexy in lingerie, it’s learning to feel confident in your own skin”.  Making your comfort my number one priority, I have created an Experience that allows you to grow from your vulnerability into a more confident and self-loving woman. 

Now that I have gone over why I love doing what I do, let me share just a few random facts about me, so you can get to know me a little better.

1)      I was born and raised in Michigan.

2)      I joined the Navy 11 days after 9/11

3)      I met my husband after he offered to help me change my tire, in the barracks parking lot, back in 2004.

4)      I went to college and got my BA in History. But please don’t ask me anything, as I have the memory of a gnat!

5)      I am confident that you will absolutely feel comfortable with me. I am me, and I don’t try to be anything I am not. So that includes goofiness, awkwardness, a few cuss words (because I WAS a Sailor), and the utmost respect and love for you! I am the absolute LAST person you should ever feel intimidated by! You will come in feeling like a client, but you’ll leave feeling like we’re new best friends! I can’t expect you to be true and genuine to who you are, if I can’t honor that for myself.

6)      I have two amazing boys who are growing way too fast for my heart!

7)      I have an odd obsession with terrible weather.

8)      I absolutely love feeding and watching birds in my backyard.

9)      I am not a great cook, at all! But I am learning to expand and try new things.

10)   My biggest dislikes are my feet and belly button being touched.

11)   While I may joke about being the most unprofessional professional, I do offer an amazing experience with luxury products to showcase your gorgeous images. I just like to laugh and have a great time!

12)   My dream is to one day own a house with some sort of fully furnished mother-in-law quarters that is separate, so I can turn that into a full-blown studio. I would love to be able to host get togethers and empowerment retreats.

13) I don’t really like Mexican food (don’t come at me! Lol) If I must choose a Mexican restaurant to eat at, I will always choose one that offers hamburgers. Don’t get me wrong though, I do love a good chimichanga!!!

I am extremely excited to have the opportunity to talk more with you and answer any questions or quelch any concerns you may have. Just remember, it is completely normal to be nervous when it comes time to book a Boudoir Experience, and I’d be worried if you weren’t. This Experience is meant for YOU, and I do everything in my power to remind you that you deserve this!

Our amazing team of well trained and experienced artist!
Belle Peau Artistry

Our Vision!

It is easy for a women to forget how beautiful she is. And understandably so. We carry so much on our plates, trying to balance our families, careers, responsibilities, and so on. But it is incredibly important to remember that you are still beautiful, you are still a badass and you are still worthy of so much!

Let us bring out the Goddess inside and show the world who you truly are!!! Let us remind you, through our artistic approach, that you deserve to see yourself as the rest of the world see’s you. That you deserve to fall in love with yourself all over again, or maybe, for the first time!!!

Why book a Boudoir Experience?

Boudoir is not necessarily feeling confident and sexy in lingerie, it is learning to feel confident in your own skin! Your body has been on a journey, it deserves the love and respect you would give anyone else. Celebrate your body!! Celebrate YOU!!

What can I expect in my Boudoir Experience?

Your Experience takes place at our in-home studio, located in La Porte, TX, at 10am (varying times accepted upon request)

Professional hair and makeup, with lashes, is done by one of our amazing artists. This takes 1-1 ½ hours.

As you are getting dolled up, you will be pampered with a mimosa or water, a light snack and your favorite music playing in the background.

The experience is 2-2 ½ hours, with 3-4 outfit changes.

You will also have full access to our client closet!